Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Video: Rick Perry on rival Santorum: ?He?s part of the problem?

>>> texas governor rick perry has spent more on advertising in iowa than any other candidate. governor perry, good morning. nice to have you here.

>> good morning, happy new year.

>> as i mentioned you have a good ground campaign going on in iowa . you have spent more in ads there in iowa , but "the des moines register " poll showed you placed fifth, second to last there in the poll with just 11%, voting in your favor. realistically, what do you think are your chances in iowa if you don't come out in the top three or four and moving your campaign forward?

>> well, 41% of the folks in iowa haven't made their decision yet. that's one of the reasons we're in the midst of a major bus tour. we'll end up in perry, iowa , this evening with a great rally. we have a great ground game, over 1,500 precinct captains going to the caucuses for us, over 500 volunteers have descended upon iowa from 32 different states to share with the people of iowa about rick perry and our record of job creation and our executive gnk government experience running the state. all of the white noise that comes out of the other campaigns, i'm going to do this, x, y and z, we've done it in texas and that's what we want to see happening in america and washington , d.c.

>> you're counting on the undecided. given you've already spent so much there, over $4 million in ads, how do you expect then to stand out from this crowded pack?

>> well, we got in the race late, so obviously introducing ourselves to the people of iowa was very important, but the fact is we do stand out. we're the only outsider, you got 63 years of collective congressional time in four of the candidates and then a wall street insider. people are looking for a real change in washington , d.c. , to clean up the corruption and fraud in congress. rick santorum talked about being a fiscal conservative but voted eight times to raise the debt ceiling. he's raised it more than obama has. he's a serial earmarker and stood up as late as yesterday and said he was proud of all of the earmarks. that's the mr. emin washington , d.c. while they're scratching each others' backs on the earmarks they're fleecing the americans.

>> rick santorum has become a target of yours as he's seen a surge in his campaign, but you sfe specifically said he targeted earmarks in the senate and on "meet the press" here's what senator santorum had to say in response.

>> i love the candidates who get the huge applause, i'm going to get rid of this one and this one, and one other one, and then -- oh, no, no. he's running the negative ads, not me.

>> governor, the senator there somewhat responding saying you can't get rid of entire government agencies shto shrink you there. did he spoof you there because of your oops moment back in november?

>> listen, you can get rid of entire agencies. he's part of the problem because you've got a culture there, a person who has been in washington , d.c. , so long, who doesn't understand what the american people want. why do we have a department of education? does rick santorum want washington to tell the people of iowa how to educate their children? i don't think so. i can promise you, there are a substantial number of agencies of government we could do away with and americans wouldn't miss them at all.

>> governor rick perry , good luck to you and your campaign. i appreciate your time this morning.

>> godspeed.

>> take care. with more now here's peter.

Source: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/45846333/

horton hears a who

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