Thursday, June 27, 2013

LinkedIn Celebrates 3 Million Company Pages ... - Marketing Pilgrim

linked in company 1LinkedIn started out as a place for career-minded individuals to network with other individuals but over the years it?s turned into the world?s biggest social network for everything business. They?ve added forums, mentor blogs, the ability to share videos and presentations. They also moved from the individual to the company with Company Pages.

According to their celebratory infographic, LinkedIn now has more than 3 million Company Pages, 500,000 of which were created in the past 12 months. Those pages represent 148 different industries and they range from think tanks to railroad companies and everything in between, beside, above and below. Dig around on LinkedIn and you can find The League of Paranormal Investigators, Inc, The Flipside Circus, and Tiny Paper Cranes ? a non-profit that makes origami birds for charity.

When LinkedIn says they have something for everyone, they?re not kidding.

Here?s my favorite slice from the infographic ? Ninja Style!

linkedin company 2

This slice makes me wonder about how much a company name effects business. Are you more likely to hire a company with the word Ninja or Samurai in the name or less likely? What about Pirate? How do you feel about weird names or unpronounceable names? You can say it?s all about results, but come on. . . when you?re scanning LinkedIn or Google you can?t help but be drawn in or put off by a company name.

Let?s look at one more slice:

linkedin company 3

I?m going to go out on a limb and say that you?re not using LinkedIn Company Pages to their fullest extent. Why am I saying this? Because there aren?t enough hours in the day to keep up every social media account you own. I get that. So here?s where you need to make a decision. If you?re a business to business company, spend more time on LinkedIn this week and less on Facebook. Post an interview with someone in your company. Add a video. Add a slide presentation.

Need inspiration? Mashable has the most engaged company page on LinkedIn. They?re a content site, so it?s easier for them to upload articles on a regular basis but I?d bet you have content on your hard-drive that you can use, too.? Look through your files and pick out two pieces of content that would be of interest to someone in your industry and post them.

With social media, what you get out of it is only as good as what you put in so make it a point to put in more on LinkedIn this week. It might help you find that one connection you need to take your business to the next level.



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