Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cogmed Results

Cogmed is a working memory training program that helps kids (and adults) improve their memory.? Think about this question, ?How important is your memory for your success in daily life??? If you are like me, I know it?s extremely important.? When I?m in my house and I can?t find my glasses I get frustrated with myself because I feel like I?m wasting so much time searching when I should be doing something better!? Does that happen to you?

Have you been helping your child with his or her homework and feel like you are teaching the same concept over and over and s/he still does not get it?? Do you tell her the word on one line and then when she sees the same word on the next line does not know it?? That?s frustrating too and these are signs of a memory weakness.? Having a weak memory frustrates parents and kids.? If this difficulty happens at home what?s it like for your child at school?? It?s no wonder why your child may dislike school.? His or her dislike of school may stem from an underlying memory weakness or processing disorder.

There is good news about helping children, teens, and adults improve their memory because of the Cogmed Working Memory training program.? For years I?ve worked with families of children with memory difficulties and have not had any great tools to give them to really make a difference in their child?s memory capacity.? By really make a difference I mean actually change brain neuropathways so that there is meaningful and lasting change.? That was until I found the Cogmed program.? Now when I work with families to do school neuropsychological evaluations and find the child has a serious memory issue, I have a great recommendation ?Cogmed.? While I?m not a Palm Beach memory center or facility that?s ok because Cogmed is done at home with my team?s coaching.??Have no fear, this is legitimate?and?Cogmed results are backed by research from around the world that was conducted in major universities, hospitals, and research institutions all using real kids and not lab rats or weird stuff.? Cogmed works for 80% of users.

My team members were trained in the Cogmed program?so we are Cogmed providers and coach parents and kids with memory problems from Jupiter to Boca Raton, and out to the Wellington area.? We can coach you from anywhere as long as you have Skype.? Cogmed is done at home over then internet and this computer based, five week, daily, and intensive working memory training program really works.? The entire program lasts for a year because after the daily five weeks of training, the individual uses it twice a week for a year.? This maintains and strengthens the memory gains and it?s a very important piece of the Cogmed training.

My son used this program and I saw?memory?improvements in multiple ways.? First, the Cogmed program keeps tons of data, graphs, and ways to show the child?s progress.? In fact, this is what the Cogmed coach reviews and uses to help the child and family improve on the program.? I may not have mentioned that Cogmed is a coached working memory program.? This means the Coach (myself or my team) review the progress weekly and talk with you about the training.? It?s a little like having an accountability partner and helps make sure the training is completed and done effectively.? I saw improvement in my son?s Cogmed data.

The second area where I saw improvement was in his reading comprehension.? We read together nightly and I noticed he appeared to remember more details.? When I asked him about this he confirmed that he thought he could remember what he read better too.

The third area where my wife and I have noticed improvement is in his initiative.? It?s unusual for him to volunteer to start his homework and we?ve never seen him do this?at least not until Cogmed training was completed.? He actually volunteered to get his work done without our prompting.? When this occurred it made our day. Still, it does not happen every day but it does happen.? He?s now doing the twice a week extension training.

So, my son has seen Cogmed results and so have my wife and myself as parents.? Everyone?s different so results vary but here are questions I asked myself along with my responses.

Did it ?cure? him? ?No.?

Did it help improve his memory? ?Yes.?

Were his memory results knock your socks off great? ?No.?

Did it help improve his confidence? ?Yes?

Is Cogmed the ?real deal?? ?Yes?

Cogmed has helped my son with ADHD and it was worth the time, energy, sacrifice, and effort.? That?s why I recommend Cogmed to parents of children with memory difficulties.? Cogmed improves the quality of a person?s life because they can remember things better.? They are not being yelled at or nagged all the time because they forgot.? This should help create more harmony in the home and, over time, rebuild the individual?s self-esteem.

Call me or fill out the contact form if you?d like to talk with me about starting the Cogmed Working Memory Training Program with your child.

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