Thursday, March 28, 2013

Large robotic jellyfish could one day patrol oceans

Mar. 28, 2013 ? Virginia Tech College of Engineering researchers have unveiled a life-like, autonomous robotic jellyfish the size and weight of a grown man, 5 foot 7 inches in length and weighing 170 pounds.

The prototype robot, nicknamed Cyro, is a larger model of a robotic jellyfish the same team -- headed by Shashank Priya of Blacksburg, Va., and professor of mechanical engineering at Virginia Tech -- unveiled in 2012. The earlier robot, dubbed RoboJelly, is roughly the size of a man's hand, and typical of jellyfish found along beaches.

"A larger vehicle will allow for more payload, longer duration and longer range of operation," said Alex Villanueva of St-Jacques, New-Brunswick, Canada, and a doctoral student in mechanical engineering working under Priya. "Biological and engineering results show that larger vehicles have a lower cost of transport, which is a metric used to determine how much energy is spent for traveling."

Both robots are part of a multi-university, nationwide $5 million project funded by U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center and the Office of Naval Research. The goal is to place self-powering, autonomous machines in waters for the purposes of surveillance and monitoring the environment, in addition to other uses such as studying aquatic life, mapping ocean floors, and monitoring ocean currents.

Jellyfish are attractive candidates to mimic because of their ability to consume little energy owing to a lower metabolic rate than other marine species. Additionally, they appear in wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors, allowing for several designs. They also inhabit every major oceanic area of the world and are capable of withstanding a wide range of temperatures in both fresh and salt waters. Most species are found in shallow coastal waters, but some have been found in depths 7,000 meters below sea level.

Partner universities in the project are Providence College in Rhode Island, the University of California Los Angeles, the University of Texas at Dallas, and Stanford University. Priya's team is building the jellyfish body models, integrating fluid mechanics and developing control systems.

Cyro is modeled and named after the jellyfish cyanea capillata, Latin for Llion's Manemain jellyfishJellyfish, with "Cyro" derived from "cyanea" and "robot." As with its predecessor, this robot is in the prototype stage, years away from use in waters. A new prototype model already is under construction at Virginia Tech's Durham Hall, where Priya's Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems is based.

"We hope to improve on this robot and reduce power consumption and improve swimming performance as well as better mimic the morphology of the natural jellyfish," Villanueva said, adding that the project also allows researchers such as himself to better understand aquatic creatures live. "Our hopes for Cyro's future is that it will help understand how the propulsion mechanism of such animal scales with size."

A stark difference exists between the larger and smaller robots. Cyro is powered by a rechargeable nickel metal hydride battery, whereas the smaller models were tethered, Priya said. Experiments have also been conducted on powering jellyfish with hydrogen but there is still much research to be done in that area.

In both cases, the jellyfish must operate on their own for months or longer at a time as engineers likely won't be able to capture and repair the robots, or replace power sources. "Cyro showed its ability to swim autonomously while maintaining a similar physical appearance and kinematics as the natural species," Priya said, adding that the robot is simultaneously able to collect, store, analyze, and communicate sensory data. This autonomous operation in shallow water conditions is already a big step towards demonstrating the use of these creatures."

How does the robot swim? Its body consists of a rigid support structure with direct current electric motors which control the mechanical arms that are used in conjunction with an artificial mesoglea, or jelly-based pulp of the fish's body, creating hydrodynamic movement.

With no central nervous system, jellyfish instead use a diffused nerve net to control movement and can complete complex functions. A parallel study on a bio-inspired control system is in progress which will eventually replace the current simplified controller. As with the smaller models, Cyro's skin is composed of a thick layer of silicone, squishy in one's hand. It mimics the sleek jellyfish skin and is placed over a bowl-shaped device containing the electronic guts of the robot. When moving, the skin floats and moves with the robot, looking weirdly alive.

"It has been a great experience to finally realize the biomimetic and bio-inspired robotic vehicles," Priya said. "Nature has too many secrets and we were able to find some of them but many still remain. We hope to find a mechanism to continue on this journey and resolve the remaining puzzles."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), via Newswise.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Weekly Radar-?Slow panic? feared on Cyrprus, as central banks ...


Given the sound and fury of the past fortnight, it?s hard not to conclude that the messiness of the eventual Cyprus bailout is another inflection point in the whole euro crisis. For most observers, including Mr Dijsselbloem it seems, it ups the ante again on several fronts ? 1) possible bank contagion via nervy senior creditors and depositors fearful of bail-ins at the region?s weakest institutions; 2) an unwelcome rise in the cost of borrowing for European banks who remain far more levered than US peers and are already grinding down balance sheets to the detriment of the hobbled European economy; and 3) likely heavy economic and social pressures in Cyprus going forward that, like Greece, increase euro exit risk to some degree. Add reasonable concerns about the credibility and coherence of euro policymaking during this latest episode and a side-order of German/Dutch ?orthodoxy? in sharp relief and it all looks a bit rum again.

Yet the reaction of world markets has been relatively calm so far. Wall St is still stalking record highs through it all for example as signs of the ongoing US recovery mount. So what gives? Today?s price action was interesting in that it started to show investors discriminating against European assets per se ? most visible in the inability of European stocks to follow Wall St higher and lunge lower in euro/dollar exchange rate. European bank stocks and bonds have been knocked back relatively sharply this week post-Dijsselbloem too. If this decoupling pattern were to continue, it will remain a story of the size of the economic hit and relative underperformance. But that would change if concerns morphed into euro exit and broader systemic fears and prepare for global markets at large to feel the heat again too. We?re not back there yet with the benefit of the doubt on OMTs and pressured policy reactions still largely conceded. But many of the underlying movements that might feed system-wide stresses ? what some term a ?slow panic? like deposit shifts etc ? will be impossible to monitor systematically by investors for many weeks yet and so nervy times are ahead as we enter Q2 after the Easter break.

Cyprus and European banks aside, next week will be about the US employment report and three of the Big Four central banks meeting Thurs. Will the ECB respond to the banking sector and consumer sentiment threats and ease rates or monetary conditions? It has plenty of real sector and inflation evidence already that Q1 underwhelmed in euro. The BoJ meeting will be as important with new governor Haruhiko Kuroda at the helm for the first time amid intense interest in how he will pursue the bank?s new aggressive reflation mandate.

Next week?s big events and data points:

Kenya Supreme Court rules on election outcome Sat

US/China March final manufacturing PMI Mon

Australia rate decision Tues

European March final manufacturing PMI Tues

EZ/Italy Feb jobless Tues

UK Feb mortgage and credit data Tues

German March CPI Tues

Thailand rate decision Weds

US ADP jobs/March final services PMIs Weds

European March final services PMIs Thurs

Spain/France government bond auction Thurs

ECB/BOJ/BOE decisions/pressers Thurs

EZ Feb retail sales Fri

US March employment report Fri



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Eyes & Vision - Early Eye Exams Critical to Detect Amblyopia - ...

Early Eye Exams Critical to Detect Amblyopia 0 5

amblyopia can be detected with early eye exams MonkeyBusiness Images/PhotoSpin

Amblyopia is a condition that results when one eye cannot see as well as it should, even with glasses or contact lenses. The good news is that amblyopia can often be successfully treated if it is diagnosed early in life.

To make sure amblyopia and other vision disorders are diagnosed early in life, the American Optometric Association encourages all parents to have their baby?s eyes checked at around six months of age.

Amblyopia begins at a very young age. Sometimes a child with amblyopia may appear to have crossed eyes or one ?lazy? eye. But in most cases, the condition is very difficult for parents and other caregivers to detect.

Amblyopia develops when the nerves that connect the eye to the brain are not properly stimulated. This can happen because of physical problems in the eye that cause reduced visual clarity such as congenital cataracts, or because the eyes do not track together which results in double vision.

There are three basic types of amblyopia:

? Strabismic amblyopia

Strabismus occurs when the two eyes fail to work together as a team. If one eye looks toward the nose instead of straight ahead, the child may appear cross-eyed. Strabismus can also cause the straying eye to look out, up, or down.

This misalignment sends a blurred, double image to the brain which causes the brain to ignore the signal from the straying eye. This type of amblyopia is the cause of the common nickname ?lazy eye?.

? Refractive amblyopia

A refractive error is something that keeps the eye from focusing correctly. When the vision in one eye is very blurry, either up close or at a distance, the brain may ignore that eye in favor of the clearer image from the other eye. Over time, the blurry eye weakens as the optic nerve remains unstimulated.

? Deprivation amblyopia

When something such as a congenital cataract consistently blocks light from entering the eye, that eye is not able to see clearly. Early treatment of congenital cataracts is critical for baby?s normal vision development.

Treatment for amblyopia varies depending on the cause.

We value and respect our HERWriters' experiences, but everyone is different. Many of our writers are speaking from personal experience, and what's worked for them may not work for you. Their articles are not a substitute for medical advice, although we hope you can gain knowledge from their insight.


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Monday, March 11, 2013

Interior Design Dining Room Ideas | Home Improvement

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This is modern interior design for your dining room. It is a dining room that designed in highly sophisticated dining room visualizations and retro design. I am sure it can be your stylish modern dining room.

Interior Design Dining Room Ideas

Interior Design Dining Room 2

Rustic interior design can be a perfect choice for dining room today. Generally, rustic shows about home well-manicured or old furniture kept well and alive. That is why; rustic design can offer the high value for your home.

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Islamist group says executes 7 foreign hostages, Nigeria doubts report

RIYADH/LAGOS (Reuters) - A Nigerian Islamist group said on Saturday it had killed seven foreign hostages seized last month from a construction firm's compound in northern Nigeria, where Islamist insurgents have killed hundreds over the past two years.

But Nigerian authorities said they had no information on any such killing, and doubted the veracity of the statement.

In a statement released on an Islamist website, the Ansaru group said it had killed the hostages in response to attempts by Britain and Nigeria to free them, SITE Monitoring Service reported.

Ansaru is one of several Islamist groups that have become the main security threat in Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer. The al Qaeda-aligned group blasted into the compound of Setraco, a Lebanese construction company, on February 7, abducting a Briton, an Italian, a Greek and four Lebanese workers.

The statement issued in Arabic and English on an affiliate of the Sinam al-Islam network was accompanied by screen shots of a video purporting to show the dead hostages, SITE said.

One shot showed a man with gun standing above several figures lying on the ground. The image was not clear enough to see if they were dead or much detail about them.

The hostage-taking, in the remote town of Jama'are in Bauchi state, was the biggest number of foreigners seized in the mostly Muslim north since the Islamist insurgency there intensified two years ago.

"As far as I'm concerned, and to the best of my knowledge, nothing like that has happened," Bauchi Police Commissioner Mohammed Ladan told Reuters when asked about the online statement.

An intelligence official in the north also said he doubted the report, although he said some suspects linked to the kidnapping had been arrested last week.

Lebanese officials said they were checking the reports. Italy's foreign ministry also said it was checking. Britain did not officially comment.

Mohammed Abdullah, a spokesman for Setraco, also said he had heard nothing about any harm done to the hostages.


The group's full name is Jama'atu Ansarul Musilimina Fi Biladis Sudan, which roughly translates as "vanguards for the protection of Muslims in Black Africa".

Ansaru, believed to be an offshoot of the larger Boko Haram group, said it had decided to kill the hostages because of attempts by Britain and Nigeria to rescue them.

"(We) announced the capture of seven Christians foreigners and warned that should there be any attempt by force to rescue them will render their lives in danger," the statement said.

"The Nigeria and British government operation lead to the death of all the seven Christians foreigners," it said.

Ansaru was suspected of being behind the killing of a British and Italian hostage a year ago in northwest Nigeria and Britain's parliament has labelled it a terrorist organisation.

It also claimed responsibility for the kidnapping in December of a French national.

After abducting the seven foreigners in February, it said its actions were "based on the transgression and atrocities done to the religion of Allah by the European countries in many places such as Afghanistan and Mali".

Western governments are concerned the Islamists have linked up with groups elsewhere in the region, including al Qaeda's North African wing AQIM.

France intervened in Mali last month as Islamist forces, which hijacked a rebellion by ethnic Touaregs to seize control of the north following a military coup in March 2012, pushed south towards the capital Bamako.

Kidnapping of foreigners for ransom has been common in Nigeria's southern oil region for a decade but abductions by radical Islamists in the north only began two years ago.


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HBT: Ryan offers statement about role in Texas

The buzz a week ago around Rangers camp was that Nolan Ryan was considering leaving the team after his title of team president was given to Jon Daniels and Rick George to share, leaving Ryan as a team CEO without much apparent executive authority. It?s been fairly quiet on that front this past week, but yesterday Nolan Ryan released a statement about his future intentions:

?Over the last week, Ray Davis, Bob Simpson, and I have been in discussion and met in-person. The conversations have been productive, and we have discussed my role as CEO of the organization. We agreed these discussions will continue as we go forward. I am very proud of what the Rangers have accomplished over the last several years, and I believe our preparations for upcoming season are what is important.?

So: discussions were had and either nothing came of them or I?m simply not telling you what happened. And I am offering nothing about how long I intend to stay with the team.

Call me crazy, but that?s the statement of a man getting ready to bolt.


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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cops: High schooler assaults 3 during drunken rage

By Dan Stamm,

A Pennsylvania high school senior faces assault charges after he allegedly broke a school nurse?s hip while in a drunken rage.

Since Wednesday was an exam day, seniors were allowed to arrive late at Pennsville Memorial High School, Salem County.

Pennsville Township Police told NBC10?s Chris Cato that the 17-year-old and his friend Manpreet Singh, 18, used the opportunity to get drunk.

The 17-year-old, who wasn?t identified because he is a minor, began to act belligerent in class.

"They took him from the classroom and took him to the principal's office," said police Lt. A.J. Cummings.

Sources told Cato that when the boy was confronted with a Breathalyzer test that he went nuts and shoved the principal. He then allegedly burst out the office door, knocking down school nurse Marilyn English.

English, 68, suffered a broken hip and remained in South Jersey Healthcare Elmer Hospital Friday night.

"I'm doing as well as can be expected for the type of injury it is," English said by phone.

She told Cato that the boy never stopped. Police sources said he kept going right out of the building. Police said they later picked him up around 11:20 a.m. but not before he kicked an officer.

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The 17-year-old faces three assault charges, disorderly conduct and alcohol charges while Singh, who police say supplied the alcohol, faces an alcohol charge.

The Pennsville School District had no comment on what discipline both teens could face.

Neither teens' parents wanted to talk to NBC10. The minor?s mother slammed the door on Cato and Singh?s mother had no comment.

As for the school nurse hurt during the teen?s alleged rage, English told Cato that she hoped the action of a couple students didn?t reflect on the majority of students saying this was an "isolated" and "abnormal" incident.


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Federal workers brace for furloughs

WASHINGTON (AP) ? First there was a two-year pay freeze. Now furloughs loom, as federal agencies make personnel costs a prime target for across-the-board budget cuts that went into effect last week. The result: anxiety and low morale in a workforce often envied for its job security.

"It would certainly put a strain on things," said Jonathan Schweizer, 61, an environmental engineer at the Environmental Protection Agency in Chicago who could be forced to take up to 13 days of unpaid leave this year. "I'd probably have to run up some credit card debt or defer maintenance on my home that I'd otherwise consider important."

Government agencies vary widely in how they are dealing with the "sequester," as the automatic cuts are called, according to labor unions that represent federal workers. Federal workers could face seven days of furloughs at the Housing and Urban Development Department, while Homeland Security personnel might see twice that number.

More than half of the nation's 2.1 million federal workers could be furloughed over the next six months. The federal government is the country's single largest employer, with its employees making up about 1.2 percent of the nation's work force.

"A lot of people think federal employees are fat-cat bureaucrats in Washington, but they don't realize more than 85 percent of these workers live outside of D.C.," said Tim Kauffman, spokesman for the American Federation of Government Employees. "A lot of them are not highly paid folks, like VA nurses and emergency response workers."

AFGE, which represents more than 600,000 federal workers, is trying to keep track of all the different furlough plans as their members face the prospect of lost wages during mandatory time off without pay and growing frustration about getting work done.

It seems the federal workforce is under constant attack these days, particularly from Republican lawmakers who want to shrink government and contend federal employees are overpaid with more generous benefits compared to the private sector. Even President Barack Obama supported the pay freeze, though he has issued an executive order that will give workers a 0.5 percent cost-of-living raise set for April. Still, Congress could take action that prevents the raise from happening.

The latest unemployment numbers offered even more bad news for government workers as federal employment, excluding the U.S. Postal Service, shrank by 4,200 jobs last month. That's the fifth straight month of cuts, which may reflect a trend towards greater belt-tightening.

Schweizer conceded that working for the federal government remains a lot more stable than other industries, but he said the comfort level has changed.

"We've definitely been squeezed financially," he said. "People have left and haven't been replaced. That puts more pressure on us as far as getting the job done and it certainly hurts morale in my office."

Some agencies, including the Justice Department, already have sent out formal furlough notices to workers indicating furloughs of up to 14 days could begin as soon as April. All furloughs are subject to 30-day notices and to bargaining with unions representing government workers.

While the unions can't stop the furloughs, they can try to ease the pain for employees by negotiating different times, allowing employees to swap days, or other changes. Unions are also trying to persuade agencies to make other cuts that don't affect worker pay, such as cutting government contracts with private companies.

The Social Security Administration, for example, says it hopes to avoid furloughs altogether, instead saving money by terminating more than 1,500 temporary and other workers and losing more than 5,000 other positions through attrition.

"In some cases, the agencies can figure out ways to slow down federal contracts instead of taking it out of federal personnel," said Patrick Lester, director of fiscal policy for the Center for Effective Government.

But there are limits on flexibility. "If they are largely personnel-driven, there's no way to avoid personnel-related cuts," Lester said.

Meat and poultry inspectors at the Agriculture Department initially were told they might be furloughed for 11 consecutive days between June and July, possibly leading to a meat supply shortage and higher prices. But Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack backed away from that at a House hearing this week, telling lawmakers that the furloughs would not be consecutive after all.

"Furloughs are going to cause disruption," department spokeswoman Courtney Rowe said Wednesday. "We're looking to do it in ways that cause the minimum impact."

At the EPA, officials are planning up to 13 furlough days, with the first four coming between April and June 1, said John O'Grady, president of AFGE local 704. There also would be mandatory furlough days on May 24, July 5 and Aug. 30 ? coming around the Memorial Day, July Fourth and Labor Day holidays ? that would shut the agency entirely, he said.

Some of the longest furloughs are expected at the Defense Department, where about 800,000 civilian employees face up to 22 unpaid days off over the next several months. The agency has not yet specified when those will happen, but some agencies may try to put off furloughs for several months in hopes that Congress will come up with a budget fix.

More flexibility could be coming soon. A House measure passed Wednesday that prevents a shutdown of federal agencies on March 27 also would grant the Pentagon greater latitude in implementing its share of short-term spending cuts. Senate Democrats could try to expand that flexibility to other agencies, potentially reducing the number of workers who are furloughed.

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said he plans to introduce legislation that would allow the Obama administration to exempt from furloughs essential federal employees, such as those who perform food inspections and other urgent functions, so the consequences of the budget cuts would not harm the economy or public safety.

Border Patrol agents at the Homeland Security Department, for example, face up to 14 days of furloughs and a moratorium on regular overtime pay, which could mean a 35 percent decline in wages for the rest of the fiscal year. Union officials warn that could mean trouble for border security, as agents aren't used to stopping work just because their shifts end, especially if they are chasing drug or gun smugglers.


Follow Sam Hananel on Twitter:


Associated Press Writer Christopher S. Rugaber contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas Having A Girl!

Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas Having A Girl!

Alec Baldwin & Hilaria ThomasAlec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas have announced they are having a daughter! The former “30 Rock” star and his yoga instructor wife made the news public Wednesday to “Extra,” where Hilaria serves as a lifestyle special correspondent. Hilaria stated, “Alec and I are overjoyed that we are going to be welcoming a little girl into ...

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Help building ecommerce site - UK Business Forums

I think your best option would be to hire a web developer to set up something for you and to support you later on. It sounds like you want someone to hold your hand and guide you through it so an independent developer may be better for you than an agency the only downside is if the independent dissapears you will need to find a replacement.

The one click installs on your hosting are just the beginning but pretty simple to do and quite standard on many hosting solutions. I would leave it where it is for now and see how it performs once your site is up there as that is the main reason to move hosting providers not for the scripts they offer. I would also not look to hire web development from your hosting provider, many don't offer this service anyway but their core business is hosting and running servers not web development and ebusiness so even if you do find one that offers this service you may find it is poor in comparison. There will be exceptions this of course but whether you will be able to spot them without experience is difficult.

Many people will jump on and recommend all kinds of ecommerce platforms for you every developer has their favourite system but of course it depends on what you want to sell and how you want to sell it. Mine is woo commerce as the flexibility and freedom it offers to help improve traffic to conversion is fab.

It is built on wordpress which will be in your list of scripts and you add it as a plugin, its free. However you may need someone to help you with updates in the future and setting it up.

If I was you I would stay away from magento if you don't have budget, it is a great system out of the box but it can be very expensive down the line to get developers to adapt. Most of my geek collegues have moved from magento to woo after I recommended it and have never looked back.
Prestashop is good as a base but limited (in comparison) in features that can be added as your business grows.

Hope this helps

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Last edited by serendipitybusiness; Today at 12:15.


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Things I Wish'd I'd Known When I Started Homeschooling

The Libertarian Homeschooler, who has quite a following on facebook, is doing a series of great lists of things she wishes she had known when she started homeschooling. For my own reference, and your benefit, I am copying and pasting them here. I have not researched everything she includes, and may not agree with all of it, but want to have the list for future use.

1. You don't really "need" a curriculum.

2. More pajamas.
3. White boards.
4.?The Great Courses
6.?Tom Woods's Liberty Classroom
7.?Ludwig von Mises Institute
8.?Foundation for Economic Education
9. Maren Schmidt, Understanding Montessori newsletters
10. Sugata Mitra
11. Whatever Happened to Penny Candy
12. Project-based learning
13. No, really. You don't need a curriculum.
14. Grammar Island
15. Okay. If you feel more comfortable having curriculum in your house, buy it but know that you'll end up using it as a reference.
16. Children never really start or stop learning.?
17. Very few people ever do the entire year's work.?
18. They will learn better, faster, happier without a lesson.
19. Lap books? Not required.
20. Children aren't projects, they're people.

1. They'll spend more time 1-on-1 in one day at home than in an entire week of school. Chill out already. They're good.

2. One child will learn to read at 5, the other child will learn to read at 8. Neither one is "behind".
3. Books that tell what children "should" know at different ages are good for starting fires and little else.
4. If you don't teach him to add and subtract, he'll do it himself.
5. Some children don't learn to read with phonics. No matter how invested you are in phonics.
6.?Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes
7. Children of the Code (google it)
8. Don't let your first three negative homeschool co-op experiences dissuade you. There's one out there that will work.
9. The Philosophy of Liberty (youtube)
10. You don't have to teach art. You can farm that stuff out.
11. Get. Out. Of. The. House.
12. Ask the child how he would like to organize his learning.
13. To my children, adult yelling = big kid having tantrum
14. To my children, adult using physical/emotional pain = bullying
15. You aren't nearly as important to the learning process as you think. Really. They'll do most of it in spite of you in the end.
16. They need your company far more than your instruction.
17. Modeling is required.
18. You'll get it wrong. Does that really surprise you? Get over it. Get on with it.
19. Find some outside-the-family mentoring relationships for the child.
20. That book/curriculum/latest and greatest doohickey at the store/expo/convention looks really nice. It's going to gather dust.


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Chrome OS fends off all hacks at Pwnium 3, others fall at Pwn2Own

Chrome OS fends off all hacks at Pwnium 3

Google's Pwnium challenge followed a familiar pattern in its first two years, with white hat hackers invariably finding a Chrome vulnerability and prompting a round of patches that ultimately made the software stronger. For the Chrome OS-focused Pwnium 3, there's been a slight hiccup: there were no hacks to patch. Despite Google offering a total of $3.14159 million in bounties, entrants couldn't demonstrate a working exploit on the Series 5 550 target machine. That may be a testament to Google's steady security improvements, but it doesn't help discover what holes are left. We'd add that few were left unscathed at the Pwn2Own competition running in tandem -- the regular Chrome browser, Firefox and Internet Explorer all came tumbling down, and Safari may have escaped only because contestants didn't register in advance. Even so, the Chrome OS results may have Chromebook Pixel owners feeling better about their purchases.

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Source:, eSecurity Planet


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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ways To Make Improvements To Your Own Home

You can accomplish home improvement projects without the added costs of paying a hired professional. This article is packed with information that will help you complete do-it-yourself projects in your home.

The right tools make the difference when working on a home improvement task. The right tools will help make the job easier to do and you will better results. It is also helps to know how to use your tools properly.

It is among the first things a visitor would see. Paint your home and add some plants in pots. Little things like this can easily make a big improvement.

When thinking about a project for your home, don't go it alone! Some projects can be undertaken with help from the entire family--even young children. A well maintained garden adds some freshness to your children and partner.

Do not go through demolition too much when you start your project.Always double check structures behind a cabinet or wall before going to tear it down. It can be really expensive to fix any electrical components that are damaged during the making of home improvements.

Free up space on your nightstands and end tables by using a floor lamp as opposed to using a table lamp. Pick out a lamp that is different and that you like the design of.

There are a number of different stains available for outdoor decks.

If your central heating and air system is older than seven years, you may want to upgrade. Some central heating and air systems can cut down on the amount of energy you use by up to 20%. Newer models can also run a lot quieter and use less electricity.

If you are purchasing a house, hire a professional inspector to check it out. A third party is a great way to keep the process civil.

A beautiful new front door can potentially increase a home's value up to 10 percent. If you update your door and get a good door lock, update its knob and lock with one of the dozens of styles on the market.

A good home improvement tip is to get a professional's opinion before you start out on your venture.A simple advice from an expert can steer you that saves both time and money. You can really screw up if you don't consult with a trusted professional.

It is important to develop a plan beforehand for any home improvement project. If you wait until you start, you may not be able to make up your mind or you may make bad decisions.

A simple home improvement project to tackle. Fresh paint can add fresh energy to a house look brand new. A fresh coat of paint is nearly as beneficial as buying a new home all together.

Try composting to reduce how much garbage you produce. A compost pile can be created by choosing an outside area for remains like fruit peels, vegetables and egg shells.This can reduce your trash and give you fertilizer for your garden.

You can make your own window screen replacement if you have hard to fit windows. Frame kits can be cut to any window size, and the screen can be attached using an inexpensive too and cording.Some windows require special screens, but attaching an external screen is easy with adapters.

Use old shoe boxes for an aesthetic touch that adds storage to your home. Use scraps of attractive fabric or wallpaper to cover the boxes. This is a wonderful way you get an extra storage or just add simple visual drama to a room.

When renovating your home, consider the lifespans of any appliances you purchase. So choose your choice of appliances wisely when you do any remodeling project.

Always take into account the climate when you are thinking about home improvements. For instance, an elaborate landscaping project may not be the best choice if you reside in a hot, building a deck is not advisable.

New carpet can dramatically change the ambiance of your home. Make sure you do some comparison shopping concerning style, style and type of carpet. See if you to carry home.

A good time to do remodeling or add space to your home is during a slumping real estate recession. There is no expiration on home improvement. Once the market picks back up, renovations will hold more value.

A licensed real estate agent can be an excellent source for home improvements will increase the value of your home. They know the housing market well and what people desire when purchasing a home.

Be sure you emphasize the selling points of your house.This will make your house as the unique and desirable.

Put up some artwork or wallpaper trim to provide your bathroom. Wallpaper trim is an inexpensive way to complement any decor imaginable. Add some nice, and you can completely transform your bathroom.

Use old two-liter empty bottles as containers for storage in your kitchen. You can store these on a shelf or in the freezer or refrigerator. Simply take of the top and pour whenever you require its contents.

You can improve the appearance of your landscape with the incorporation of stonework, bushes or vines with whimsical trellises and strategically place stepping stones about the yard.

The tips in this article should have given you all the information you need for a successful home improvement project. The fact that you have chosen this article tells us that you have big plans for your home! You can get the job done yourself with excellent results by following our advice.
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Bank card identifies cardholder

Mar. 6, 2013 ? From the gas station to the department store -- paying for something without cash is commonplace. Now such payments become more secure: The Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD engineered a solution for inspecting the handwritten signatures directly on the bank card. The biometric "on-card comparison" additionally makes payment transactions more convenient, and it works with any ordinary commercial credit card.

Who isn't familiar with this scenario? You are standing at the check-out counter, a long line waiting behind you, and all you have in your wallet is just a handful of old receipts -- and, thank goodness -- the bank cards! There' s just no question: when it comes to paying for something, credit cards and the EC bank card make life easier. Unless the cardholder completely forgets the PIN (personal identification number). It is obviously much easier for the consumer if a purchase transaction can be sealed with a signature. But it is just as easy for a practiced hand to forge a florid signature, right? Wrong, if the biometric parameters are measured.

The magic words which researchers at Fraunhofer IGD used to realize a bank card that can recognize a customer by his or her signature: "signature dynamics." Each person's signature is completely unique; in the process of signing, he or she leaves behind an extraordinary -- and therefore, extremely difficult to forge -- biometric trace: Based on the chronological progression of the pen's position, which is traced onto a graphic tablet or touchscreen while signing, the Fraunhofer system ascertains if the cardholder's signature is genuine. In terms of security technology, there is no comparison with the conventional procedure -- a purely subjective process in which the person behind the cash register verifies the signature.

Greater convenience and even more security

This process adds security and makes it twice as tough for any criminal. Even if the criminal gains possession of a card and uncovers its PIN code, biometrics places a whole new barrier in front of their activities. "The combination of knowledge, possession and biometrics is ideal, and guarantees a substantial additional benefit to the convenience and security for the cardholder," explains Alexander Nouak, head of competence center for identification and biometrics at Fraunhofer IGD.

"The comparison between the presented data and the biometric data stored in the card is done directly on the chip in the bankcard, which is protected according to established standards," explains Nouak. "So it is impossible for the biometric data to be stolen through an external device and be abused." One distinct advantage of the Fraunhofer solution: it meets all the conventional standards, so that it can be recorded onto any ordinary EC or bank credit card.

And this is how it looks in an everyday retail setting: The customer registers at his or her bank -- upon card issuance, for example -- by signing a touchpad. The biometric features of this signature are stored directly onto the chip in the card. When shopping, the cardholder runs the card through an ordinary merchant card reader. The reader is linked to a writing pad, on which the customer signs using an electronic pen. Once the biometric authenticity of the signature is confirmed, the transaction is authorised. Entering a PIN code is only required, as an added level of security, for those transactions that are high in amount.

The researchers at Fraunhofer IGD will introduce their prototype development at CeBIT 2013 in Hannover from 5 to 9 March.

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Scientists say baby born with HIV apparently cured

(AP) ? A baby born with the virus that causes AIDS appears to have been cured, scientists announced Sunday, describing the case of a child from Mississippi who's now 2? and has been off medication for about a year with no signs of infection.

There's no guarantee the child will remain healthy, although sophisticated testing uncovered just traces of the virus' genetic material still lingering. If so, it would mark only the world's second reported cure.

Specialists say Sunday's announcement, at a major AIDS meeting in Atlanta, offers promising clues for efforts to eliminate HIV infection in children, especially in AIDS-plagued African countries where too many babies are born with the virus.

"You could call this about as close to a cure, if not a cure, that we've seen," Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health, who is familiar with the findings, told The Associated Press.

A doctor gave this baby faster and stronger treatment than is usual, starting a three-drug infusion within 30 hours of birth. That was before tests confirmed the infant was infected and not just at risk from a mother whose HIV wasn't diagnosed until she was in labor.

"I just felt like this baby was at higher-than-normal risk, and deserved our best shot," Dr. Hannah Gay, a pediatric HIV specialist at the University of Mississippi, said in an interview.

That fast action apparently knocked out HIV in the baby's blood before it could form hideouts in the body. Those so-called reservoirs of dormant cells usually rapidly reinfect anyone who stops medication, said Dr. Deborah Persaud of Johns Hopkins Children's Center. She led the investigation that deemed the child "functionally cured," meaning in long-term remission even if all traces of the virus haven't been completely eradicated.

Next, Persaud's team is planning a study to try to prove that, with more aggressive treatment of other high-risk babies. "Maybe we'll be able to block this reservoir seeding," Persaud said.

No one should stop anti-AIDS drugs as a result of this case, Fauci cautioned.

But "it opens up a lot of doors" to research if other children can be helped, he said. "It makes perfect sense what happened."

Better than treatment is to prevent babies from being born with HIV in the first place.

About 300,000 children were born with HIV in 2011, mostly in poor countries where only about 60 percent of infected pregnant women get treatment that can keep them from passing the virus to their babies. In the U.S., such births are very rare because HIV testing and treatment long have been part of prenatal care.

"We can't promise to cure babies who are infected. We can promise to prevent the vast majority of transmissions if the moms are tested during every pregnancy," Gay stressed.

The only other person considered cured of the AIDS virus underwent a very different and risky kind of treatment ? a bone marrow transplant from a special donor, one of the rare people who is naturally resistant to HIV. Timothy Ray Brown of San Francisco has not needed HIV medications in the five years since that transplant.

The Mississippi case shows "there may be different cures for different populations of HIV-infected people," said Dr. Rowena Johnston of amFAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. That group funded Persaud's team to explore possible cases of pediatric cures.

It also suggests that scientists should look back at other children who've been treated since shortly after birth, including some reports of possible cures in the late 1990s that were dismissed at the time, said Dr. Steven Deeks of the University of California, San Francisco, who also has seen the findings.

"This will likely inspire the field, make people more optimistic that this is possible," he said.

In the Mississippi case, the mother had had no prenatal care when she came to a rural emergency room in advanced labor. A rapid test detected HIV. In such cases, doctors typically give the newborn low-dose medication in hopes of preventing HIV from taking root. But the small hospital didn't have the proper liquid kind, and sent the infant to Gay's medical center. She gave the baby higher treatment-level doses.

The child responded well through age 18 months, when the family temporarily quit returning and stopped treatment, researchers said. When they returned several months later, remarkably, Gay's standard tests detected no virus in the child's blood.

Ten months after treatment stopped, a battery of super-sensitive tests at half a dozen laboratories found no sign of the virus' return. There were only some remnants of genetic material that don't appear able to replicate, Persaud said.

In Mississippi, Gay gives the child a check-up every few months: "I just check for the virus and keep praying that it stays gone."

The mother's HIV is being controlled with medication and she is "quite excited for her child," Gay added.

Associated Press


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Skin cancer risk rises | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago ...

The record-breaking sunny weather this summer has led to an increased risk of skin cancer, with a big increase in the amount of dangerous ultraviolet radiation.

NIWA data analysed by dermatologists at MoleMap showed the 35 per cent increase in sunlight hours this summer brought a 17 per cent increase in UV radiation, which was the main factor responsible for skin cancers.

MoleMap medical director and skin cancer specialist Mark Gray said the increase meant New Zealanders had been subjected to much more of the dangerous UVA and UVB wavelengths.

He said the long UVA wavelength accounts for the vast majority of solar UV radiation which reaches the earth.

"UVA can penetrate glass and clouds and can initiate and also increase the growth of skin cancers. UVB is responsible for burning, tanning, the acceleration of skin ageing and plays a significant role in the development of skin cancer."

Dr Gray said skin cancer was the most common form of cancer in New Zealand with more than 45,000 Kiwis affected by it each year and about 400 dying from the disease each year.

He said greater exposure to both UVA and UVB radiation was a timely reminder for New Zealanders to have their moles mapped.

"We need to be vigilant about protecting ourselves from the sun, limiting exposure along with regular and long term skin monitoring with your health professional, which is crucial in preventing the development of melanoma."



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